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Speak and Manifest

What is S.A.M.?

It’s the #1 telehealth safe space to comfortably kick up your feet, take a deep breathe, relax and start healing your mind with various holistic practices. S.A.M. brings awareness to the importantance of ones mental health by sharing various perceptions on how society, social media, and your environment affects your thoughts. Together we work to heal.

I offer four programs. The last program includes it all: the media of you, the marketing of you, the nature of you, and finally the banking of you. Book an appointment for a FREE quick overview.

When was the last time you gave yourself permission to smile, cry, or laugh? Before you reply to yourself out loud. Pay close attention, that question is different from when was the last time you smiled, cried, or, laugh? I can assure you that the latter was a reaction not a response.

To automatically react is an auto-responder body-mind software program set off from a stimulant outside your body-mind. Your automatic re-action is a trained reply learned and developed from a parent or anyone you looked up to. If you can relate or you are ready to experience a different world, I encourage you to work with me to change the perception filters of your life to have a clearer view.

To intuitively respond in a millisecond, is a processor or filter that helps you to observe the experience you have just encountered from an awareness view point. It’s the one moment you have to change your perspective without an emotion attached. A Master of this type of respond is aware of their choices to not respond or to just walk away.  

When you automatically react or intuitively respond, with either your words or text or body, you have spiritually entered into an unseen universal contract. Which is why your family, friends, or partners may remember how your reactions or responses made them feel, but not recall exactly what you did. You may have heard them say, “I don’t remember what you did but you made me so mad that time.”

At Speak and Manifest you will learn to put a spotlight on what is stimulating your mind for pleasure and for pain. The moment before you react to a sound, a smell, a taste, or what you see is what I work on. Your reactions causes’ energy blocks with your mind, body, heart, and wealth. Once you realize and fully experience Speak and Manifest mind S.P.A. it will be the most freeing transformational moment of your life.

If you are here than you are aware that you are more than just flesh, mind, and body, you are soul.